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Clinical trial funding initiative - potential funding opportunities

October 12, 2015

The NSCFA is exploring ways to initiate and support properly constituted clinical trials of stem cell-based treatments in Australia. The NSCFA recognises the challenges facing researchers in mounting appropriate clinical trials. 

It may be possible to promote more direct links between donors with identified interest in the target illness and research groups planning to transition potential Stem Cell based therapies from pre-clinical to clinical trial status. 

We would like to hear from stem cell research groups who believe their project has human therapeutic potential and are ready to enter a clinical trial. 

If you have data that fall into this category and would like to join us in assessing whether the approach might work, please use the link below, complete the brief proforma and return to Julia Mason, [email protected] by November 6th, 2015. 

Questions can be directed to Julia Mason, [email protected]

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